Profile and Vision
I have a clear vision for success, a track record to demonstrate my achievements, and a strong belief in both mypersonal ability and capacity to lead others. Discipline, strong work ethic, attention to fine detail and thecreation of a highly efficient learning environment have formed the cornerstones of a holistic approach that istried and tested. Strategic planning and innovation, combined with sheer determination and will to succeed haveenabled me to consistently produce winning football teams.
I have been part of FIFA’s Elite Coaching panel since 2000, which allows me unlimited access to players andcoaching staff all over the world. I am also a FIFA Instructor and have developed inventive and fresh coachingmethods which transfer to match play, creating an exciting, attack minded and attractive brand. Such methodsalso allow the easy transition of academy and developing players to the first team, a factor fundamental to bothmy beliefs and the creation of assets.
I have an eye for identifying potential talent early, and am committed to bringing out the best in players. In my previous role I had given 49 players their senior international debuts, I also managed to reduce the average age of the squad from 29 to 23. At the 2019 Asian Cup we were the second youngest team in the tournament 14 of oursquad were U23 and 4 of them U20. I ensure a vigorous approach to the due diligence process of player acquisition, have access to copious UK and world contacts for verification, as well as several player profile databases and analytical data.
Being a good communicator and man manager, I can get the best out of people on and off the field, disregardingof the size of available budget. I have a definitive plan, clearly laid out and documented, covering all aspects of aprofessional and modern football department, from technical staff, strength and exercise science, analyticalperformance, coaching and tactics, to UK, European and global recruitment.